Blavatsky Blogger

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Man not Descended from the Apes
Posted 14/1/07


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H P Blavatsky did not accept that the modern human descended from the Apes by a Darwinian type process of evolution, in which one dominant higher species emerged from several rival groups. Instead she postulated that, as the highest expression of the life force, we are the main line of evolution and an earlier human form preceded the Apes and that the Apes are drop downs from us.
This idea that a lower life form can break away from a higher one runs counter to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution which postulates that higher life forms develop from lower.
Extract from the Secret Doctrine Vol. 2, Page 201

We have meanwhile to follow, as closely as limited space will permit, the gradual evolution of the now truly human species. It is in the suddenly arrested evolution of certain sub-races, and their forced and violent diversion into the purely animal line by artificial cross-breeding, truly analogous to the hybridization, which we have now learned to utilize in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, that we have to look for the origin of the anthropoids.

In these red-haired and hair-covered monsters, the fruit of the unnatural connection between men and animals, the "Lords of Wisdom" did not incarnate, as we see. Thus by a long series of transformations due to unnatural cross-breeding (unnatural "sexual selection"), originated in due course of time the lowest specimens of humanity; while further bestiality and the fruit of their first animal efforts of reproduction begat a species which developed into mammalian apes ages later.





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