Blavatsky Blogger

Taking Theosophical ideas

into the 21st century


The Difficulties of Esoteric Study

for the Intellectually Dominated Mind

book-learning, and here I refer only to the subject

of Occultism—vast as it may be,will always prove

insufficient even to the analytical mind—the most

accustomed toextract the quintessence of truth,

disseminatedthroughout thousands of contradictory

statements—unless supported by personal

experience and practice.”

From Occultism or Magic By H P Blavatsky

Posted 12/2/07


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In her article Occultism or Magic, H P Blavatsky begins by exploring the difficulties faced by anyone trying to engage in esoteric study in a world which  is dominated by the rational sciences. She refers to the upholders of the scientific establishment as   self styled positive scientists”.

She says;

the self-styled positive scientists, ever on the

alert, present to the courageous scholar who tries to deviate from the beaten highway traced out for him by his dogmatic predecessors, a formidable range of serious obstacles.”


She cites the work of the 17th century occult writer Hiraf, who although very knowledgeable on esoteric subjects, is really only a researcher who has no direct experience of the inner circles of occult societies.


She praises his efforts;


for theoretical knowledge, at least, the author need fear few rivals, still less superiors.”


but goes on to say;


“My desire is simple: to help him in his scientific, but, as I said before, rather hypothetical researches, by telling a little of the little I picked up in my long travels throughout the length and

breadth of the East—that cradle of Occultism”


She also points out that not all information available through research is bona fide;


certain erroneous notions….

….which are calculated to confuse uninitiated sincere enquirers, who might desire to drink at his own source of knowledge.”

The modern intellectual and rational scientific approach is also inadequate;

book-learning, and here I refer only to the subject

of Occultism—vast as it may be, will always prove

insufficient even to the analytical mind—the most

accustomed to extract the quintessence of truth,

disseminated throughout thousands of contradictory statements — unless supported by personal experience and practice.”


As indicated in the above extracts, the seeker of esoteric knowledge is confronted with two problems;

1) The approach required involves intuition, personal revelation and experience and much of this cannot be communicated in words.

2) Occult knowledge is often a closely guarded secret within the inner circles of esoteric groups and sometimes information is put out to mislead.

Although it falls outside the scope of “Occultism or Magic”, H P Blavatsky has circumvented the problem of acquiring inner circle knowledge for seekers of esoteric wisdom by providing writings such as “The Secret Doctrine” which are directly obtained by communication with “Ascended Masters.” With the knowledge now available and interpreted for the Western Mind, the seeker is given a head start and will undoubtedly find what they need.

H P Blavatsky explains;

those who are willing to learn the Great Truth will ever find the chance if they only “try” to meet some one to lead them to the door of one “who knows when and how.”

This reference is specifically for those seeking enlightenment in the West. H P Blavatsky does not spell it out but the Theosophical Society provides that opportunity.

Occultism or Magic by H P Blavatsky

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